If your big toe has gradually begun to point toward your second toe, forming a bump on the outside edge of your foot, you are probably experiencing a bunion. Also known as Hallux Valgus, a bunion develops as the foot bone connected to your big toe begins to pull towards the center of the body. The bony prominence on the side of your toe’s joint is a visual indication of a bunion, while physically you will know because of the discomfort and pain that is involved with the process.
The common symptoms of a bunion include:
Swelling and/or around the big toe joint
Difficulty walking
Pain along the inside margin of the foot
Feet become too wide to fit into their normal shoes
Pain when wearing tight shoes
More women than men develop a bunion later in life, because they are more likely to wear tightly fitting shoes. Poorly fitting shoes and heredity are the most common causes of a bunion. The risk of developing a bunion increases with family history.
Other possible causes for a bunion are:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Weak ligaments in the feet
Trauma or injury to the feet
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication will temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation of a bunion. But changing your footwear is a more permanent solution. That, as well as wearing orthotics(custom inserts)can slow down the progression of bunions.
If the problem has existed for some time with no pain relief, and all conservative treatments have failed, a podiatrist may have you go through surgery to alleviate the bunion. We at Family Foot and Ankle Care have years of experience in treating all kinds of bunions.
Dr. Marc Fink
P.S. Runners develop bunions much faster than the average population due to their high impact activity.