One of the troubling things about ulcers of the foot and ankle are that, even after they have been treated successfully, they may come back. The recurrence may be at the site of the original ulcer or a new location. For this reason, thorough feet inspections should be part of the daily routine for anyone who has had ulcers before or who has one of the medical conditions often associated with ulcers. These conditions include diabetes,high blood pressure, blood clots, phlebitis, swelling, poor arterial circulation and injury. People prone to ulcers may be advised to cleanse their feet daily with chlorhexidine solution as well as apply powder or dry skin lotion before putting on stockings and shoes.

Here at Family Foot and Ankle Care we firmly believe in helping you to help yourself. We will make recommendations to you as to how you can help resolve your particular foot and ankle concerns. Whether it is about preventing ulcers from resurfacing, or any other foot or ankle condition. We will take the time to answer your questions and explain any procedures. We want you to be informed about and actively involved in your foot and ankle health care.

Dr. Marc Fink

P.S. Pressure from weight bearing or from shoes and tight legwear are common causes of ulcers.


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